How EAS works in the Portland/Vancouver Operational Area:
Generic Oregon State 2024 RMT Schedule
2024 Portland/Vancouver “Odd Month” Daytime RMT Schedule.
All tests are at 10:15 AM
MONTH / DATE | DAY | Make-up RMT | Originator |
January 5th | Friday | Thursday January 11th | CRESA (Clark County) |
March 7th | Thursday | Wednesday March `13th | Clackamas County |
May 7th | Tuesday | Monday May 13th | CRESA (Clark County) |
July 5th | Friday | Thursday July 11th | Clackamas County |
September 5th | Thursday | Tuesday September 10th | CRESA (Clark County) |
November 7th | Thursday | Wednesday November 13th | Clackamas County |
2024 Oregon “Even Month” Night time RMT Schedule
Tests are originated at 12:15 AM by the Oregon Department of Emergency Management,
except for October, which is originated by NOAA Weather Radio.
MONTH / DATE | DAY / TIME | Make-up RMT |
February 7th | Wednesday | Tuesday February 13th |
April 5th | Friday | Thursday April 11th |
June 5th | Wednesday | Tuesday June 13th |
August 7th | Wednesday | Tuesday August 13th |
October 17th | Thursday 10:17 AM | Monday October 28th |
December 5th | Thursday | Wednesday December 11th |
The October Monthly Test is scheduled as part of the “Great Shakeout” exercise, and is originated by NOAA Weather Radio.
See for details.
2024_EAS_Weekly_Station_Log_Form as a DOC file
2024_EAS_Weekly_Station_Log_Form as a PDF file
2024_Generic_State_Test_Schedule as a DOC file
Oregon State EAS Plan v15.0 Nov. 2022 as a DOCX file
Oregon State EAS Plan v15.0 Nov_2022 as a PDF file
Oregon Monitoring Assignments 10-1-2022 as an XLS file
Coordination of tests, and information for broadcast stations and cable companies in Oregon and Clark County, WA, is available on an e-mail list.
To subscribe, e-mail – subject to qualifications.