Why Be Certified?
The Certification Program is a service of the SBE contributing to the advancement of broadcast engineering for the general benefit of the entire broadcast industry.
In 1975, the SBE established a Certification Program to recognize and raise the professional status of broadcast engineers by providing standards of professional competence. Through the years, it has become recognized in the industry as the primary method of verifying the attainment of educational standards. With the industry constantly changing, the SBE-certified engineer must keep up with those changes.
From the certified operator to the Certified Professional Broadcast Engineer, the SBE has a certification for every broadcast engineer and technician. To learn about the different kinds of certification, go to the Certification Levelssection. You may also download a printable overview of SBE certification and membership here (PDF).
Program Objectives
- To raise the status of broadcast engineers by providing standards of professional competence in the practice of broadcast engineering and related technologies.
- To recognize those individuals who, by fulfilling the requirements of knowledge, experience, responsibility and conduct, meet those standards of professional competence.
- To encourage broadcast engineers to continue their professional development.
To be eligible for certification, you must have a strong interest in the design, operation, maintenance or administration of the day-to-day problems and achievements associated with the operation of a broadcast facility or related technology. You must also meet the specific eligibility requirements of the desired certification level. The SBE broadcast engineer certificate is not a license; it is a document that recognizes professional competence by peers in a professional, independent organization. Certification is for individuals only and may not be used to imply that an organization or firm is certified.
Certification and SBE Membership
While membership in the SBE is not a requirement of the Certification Program, and because SBE members share in the overhead cost of all SBE activities, non-member certification fees are higher.
Non-members who certify at a technologist or engineering level are eligible to receive membership in SBE through April 1 of the following year. We hope you take advantage of this proposal. It is our hope that you will like what SBE has to offer and will want to continue your membership and support of your Society.
Responsibility for administering the Certification Program rests with a National Certification Committee appointed by the SBE president with the approval of the SBE Board of Directors, members of which must be SBE certified. Qualifications of each candidate for certification will be judged by the National Certification Committee. Criteria for the examinations shall also be determined by the National Certification Committee.
A certification director will be responsible for carrying out the details of the program. The certification director will serve on the committee as an advisor but will have no vote. This person will attend all meetings, keep the minutes of those meetings and prepare regular reports to the SBE Board of Directors. Email the certification director.
Examinations will be administered through local chapters under the supervision of proctors approved by the National Certification Committee. Where no chapters exist, the National Certification Committee will arrange for suitable testing procedures. These proctors will be the SBE officers, chapter officers, educators or other responsible persons.
Certification Fees
Fees to cover administrative costs are non-refundable. “No Shows” will be assessed the same rescheduling fee as “Retakes” for future exams. Current application fees.
Frequently Asked Questions
SBE Certified logo
If you hold a valid SBE Certification, you are authorized to display the SBE Certified logo on your business cards, letterhead, resume, website and email signature. For the proper use of this logo and to download please visit the Press Logo page.
Certification Links
An easy way for you to educate those who are not familiar with the SBE and the certification program is to link your certifications from your email signature.
Below is a link for the certifications so that you can implement this into your own email signature.
CPBE http://www.sbe.org/sections/descriptions.php#CPBE
CSTE http://www.sbe.org/sections/descriptions.php#CSTE_CSRE
CSRE http://www.sbe.org/sections/descriptions.php#CSTE_CSRE
CBTE http://www.sbe.org/sections/descriptions.php#CBTE_CBRE
CBRE http://www.sbe.org/sections/descriptions.php#CBTE_CBRE
CBNE http://www.sbe.org/sections/descriptions.php#CBNE
CEA http://www.sbe.org/sections/descriptions.php#CEA_CEV
CEV http://www.sbe.org/sections/descriptions.php#CEA_CEV
CBT http://www.sbe.org/sections/descriptions.php#CBT
CBNT http://www.sbe.org/sections/descriptions.php#CBNT
CTO http://www.sbe.org/sections/descriptions.php#CTO
CRO http://www.sbe.org/sections/descriptions.php#CRO
8-VSB Specialist http://www.sbe.org/sections/descriptions.php#VSB
AMD Specialist http://www.sbe.org/sections/descriptions.php#AMD
DRB Specialist http://www.sbe.org/sections/descriptions.php#DRB
Career Advancement Newsletter
The Certification and Education departments produce a monthly career advancement newsletter. Check out archived issues, where you can find information on SBE Certification, upcoming educational opportunities and more.
SBE Certification chart
What you need to know about SBE Certifications
Helpful articles that have appeared in The Signal
A listing of past Signal articles that have cover areas such as how an essay is assigned, graded, tips for recertification and more.
For Chapter 124 SBE Certification Information,
contact Eric Margeson w7osn@arrl.net
Exam Schedule
The SBE Certification Committee has established the following exam dates. Choose the exam period that is best for you.
Exam Dates |
Location |
Application Deadline |
November 1-11 | Local Chapters | September 6 |
When you are ready to take an SBE exam, please fill out the appropriate application and send it into the SBE National office. You will be notified once your application has been approved. Approximately 3 weeks before the exam time, your local certification chairman will receive a list of applicants in his/her area. He/she will then contact those applicants to schedule a date, time and place for the exams. The exams will be mailed back to the National office for grading. The pass/fail grades will then be mailed directly to the applicants.