For the North Willamette Valley (Portland/Vancouver) Operational Area:
2025_Generic_EAS_Test_Template as a DOCX file
2025_Generic_EAS_Test_Template as a PDF file
2025 Portland/Vancouver “Odd Month” Daytime RMT Schedule.
All tests are at 10:15 AM
MONTH / DATE | DAY | Make-up RMT | Originator |
January 7th | Tuesday | Monday January 13th | CRESA (Clark County) |
March 5th | Wednesday | Tuesday March `11th | Clackamas County |
May 7th | Wednesday | Tuesday May 13th | Multnomah County! |
July 7th | Monday | Monday July 14th | TBD |
September 5th | Friday | Thursday September 11th | TBD |
November 5th | Wednesday | Tuesday November 11th | TBD |
2025 Oregon “Even Month” Night time RMT Schedule
Tests are originated at 12:15 AM by the Oregon Department of Emergency Management,
except for October, which is originated by NOAA Weather Radio.
MONTH / DATE | DAY / TIME | Make-up RMT |
February 5th | Wednesday | Tuesday February 11th |
April 7th | Monday | Monday April 14th |
June 5th | Thursday | Wednesday June 11th |
August 5th | Tuesday | Tuesday August 13th |
October 16th | Thursday 10:16 AM | Friday October 31th |
December 5th | Friday | Thursday December 11th |
The October Monthly Test is scheduled as part of the “Great Shakeout” exercise, and is originated by NOAA Weather Radio.
See for details.
Oregon State EAS Plan v15.0 Nov. 2022 as a DOCX file
Oregon State EAS Plan v15.0 Nov_2022 as a PDF file
Oregon Monitoring Assignments 10-1-2022 as an XLS file
Coordination of tests, and information for broadcast stations and cable companies in Oregon and Clark County, WA, is available on an e-mail list.
To subscribe, e-mail – subject to qualifications.